Moxa ICS web server dork Part — 2
Hi Readers! This is second blog related to dork. In this blog, I will show you Moxa universal controller and I/O ICS devices. Moxa Iologik supports the most often-used protocols for retrieving I/O data, making it capable of handling a wide variety of applications. Most IT engineers use SNMP or RESTful API protocols, but OT engineers are more familiar with OT-based protocols, such as Modbus and EtherNet/IP.
Shodan dork I have found is related to Web Server for IT guys and SCADA system for OT guys. In simple words, It is mainly used to save data and retrieve data in design manner. It may increased/decreased open devices. At that time it was showing 599 devices are opened.
Shodan dork : ioLogik Web server
Try your luck on password field. I have tried admin, password, moxa, password@123, blank password field. Also, you can refer the user manual. This dork can help you to get Hall of fame by CERT and Particular company.
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